Monday, November 25, 2019

patch adams essays

patch adams essays Hunter Patch Adams is the main character in the film Patch Adams. Hunter was lost and confused when he checked himself into a mental hospital after trying to commit suicide. Plagued with the uncertainties of life, he realized that he needed to get medical help. Throughout the movie it is easy to see how his character grows and uses the discernment process to bring meaning to his life as well as others he came in contact with. At the mental hospital Patch is able take the time needed to make a clear choice on what he will do with his life with his head and his heart. Arthur Mendelson, one of the patients at the hospital, shows Patch how to look beyond the problem to find his answers. Later on that evening he helps his roommate Rudy kill the imaginary squirrels. It is at that moment that Patch realizes the answer that he has been searching for. He realizes that he wants to, help people, learn about people, and listen to people. Rudy and the other patients at the mental hospital helped him to help himself. He was able to forget about his own problems while helping others forget about theirs. He checks himself out of the hospital to fulfill his dream. The discernment process consists of four basic principles; incarnation, to give and be given up, universality, and communion. The principle of incarnation and death reminds us that not to waste time but to manifest our love here and now because there may not be another chance.(Wolff 125) Giving and being given up is exactly that, giving evrything possible to improve the human condition while accepting others and being able to serve them with a truer love.(Wolff 125) Universality is being able to view all humans regardless of race, ethicity, and background as equal. The last principle of communion embodies unity. When we as human being unite, it is then that we can love everyone. Patch clearly shows us how he was able ...

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