Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Woman Of Color And Privilege - 1166 Words

Woman of Color and Privilege Based on the evidence supplied by author Kent Anderson Leslie, slaves in antebellum Georgia did not always live under the oppressive system of chattel labor. According to Leslie, the rules that applied to racial hierarchy were not strictly enforced, especially when it came to propertied and wealthy planters such as David Dickson who chose to raise his mixed-race daughter at home. Amanda Dickson’s experiences during Reconstruction demonstrate that she had much more freedom after slavery was abolished than may have been expected before the Civil War. Amanda Dickson’s experiences and those of her mother in particular do not fit the presumed mold of oppressed slave with no opportunity for a better life. In the case of Amanda America Dickson, â€Å"her personal identity was ultimately bounded by her sense of class solidarity with her father, that is, by her socialization as David Dickson’s daughter, her gender role as a lady, and her racial definition as a person to whom racial categories did not apply.† This may mean that her freedom was less proscribed by race because she was not a male seeking political advantage. Some people of mixed-race in the nineteenth century South managed to create a personal identity and status that contradicts the contention that all non-whites in antebellum Georgia lived under the oppressive system of slavery. In any case, Amanda America Dickson perceived and performed her role as wealthy lady and apparentlyShow MoreRelatedA Queer Woman Of Color And My Privileges Of Being Born Cis1802 Words   |  8 PagesBefore beginning this essay I would like to acknowledge my subject position as a queer woman of color and my privileges of being born cis-gendered, into the Roman-catholic faith with educated parents living in Toronto passable as â€Å"straight†. â€Å"Being in the closet† is a colloquial term coined to represent the lgbtq2iaa phenomenon of hiding their sexual or gender identities. There are a number of reasons that individuals choose to stay away from disclosing their orientation and from personal experienceRead MoreClass, Culture, And Gender856 Words   |  4 Pagescoined by Kimberle Crenshaw, being a woman of color she argued that black women have to deal with two types of discrimination, racism and sexism. 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